A list of numbers that homeowners may find useful.
Victoria AvenueHout BayCape Town7806
Tel: 021 790 6206
Estate Manager:Paul Hodgsonestatemanager@ruyteplaats.com
Office Manager:Kelly Lee Zeederbergmanager@ruyteplaats.com
Cape ClassicThe Lifestyle Centre,Stonehurst Mountain Estate,Westlake, 7945P O Box 30124Tokai7966021 787 9909
Marcelle de JonghEmail: info@capeclass.co.zaAssistant – Carla PronkEmail: carla@capeclass.co.za
Intersect23 Belmont RoadRondebosch, Cape Town7701Tel: 021 659 5965
Shaun WilliamsEmail: shaunw@intersect.co.za
Assistant : Gaynore PhilanderEmail: gaynorep@intersect.co.za